ディミトリ外伝 白銀の乙女 The Silver Maiden
Arianrhod, the Fortress City, lies on what was once the border between the Kingdom and the Empire and is a valuable strategic asset. Dimitri intends to reclaim it.
(大広間 昼)
Reception Hall | Daytime
ディミトリ: ……そうか。ありがとう、下がっていい。
Dimitri: Thank you. you may leave now.
Choice 1: 何かあった? Did something happen?
Choice 2: 何の報告? Was the report worrying?
ディミトリ: いや、少し……片づけなければならない問題があってな。
Dimitri: Not really... There is just a problem I must now clean up. Do you know of Arianrhod? It is a fortress that also goes by the name of the Silver Maiden.
Choice 1: 聞いたことがある I've heard of it.
ディミトリ: 確かに、いつか話したような気もするな。王国一の堅牢さを誇る城塞都市だ、と。
Dimitri: Yes, I had thought I might have mentioned it before. It is a fortress city that is lauded as the strongest in the Kingdom.
Choice 2: 初耳だ This is the first I'm hearing of it.
ディミトリ: ……そうだったか? アリアンロッドは、王国一の堅牢さを誇る城塞都市なんだが……
Dimitri: Is that so? Arianrhod is a fortress city, lauded as the strongest in the Kingdom.
ディミトリ: かつてアリアンロッドの周辺を任せていたローベ伯が帝国方に回ったことで……
Dimitri: The land around Arianrhod was once entrusted to Count Rowe... When he turned to the Empire, the Silver Maiden went with him. Now, one after another the lords of each region are leaving the Empire at the call of the eastern lords... But I am sure the Empire has no plans to relinquish the Fortress City, given its strategic position on the front lines of their war with the Kingdom. Unless we can take back Arianrhod, the Kingdom will continually be attacked at its weakest points. I was thinking that we need to deal with it soon, and that we need to investigate the status of the enemy's force, but...
Byleth: 何か問題が? Is there a problem?
ディミトリ: ああ……アリアンロッドに向け、帝都を出立した軍勢を確認した。
Dimitri: I am afraid so. We confirmed that troops departed the Imperial capital, headed for Arianrhod.
If they are followed by a second and third batch of reinforcements, then the difficulty of taking back Arianrhod will increase exponentially.
But, that does not mean we are entirely without recourse. I am just at a loss as to when the soldiers will arrive.
Choice 1: すぐに向かおう(外伝戦闘へ) Let's go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
ディミトリ: すぐ……? ……はは、流石だな。お前の答えはいつでも気持ちが良い。
Dimitri: Right away? You never cease to amaze. Your answers always bring me joy. OK. Let's gather everyone immediately. We'll begin the war council for the departing troops.
Choice 2: 今すぐは難しい(準備に戻る)Not yet. (Return to previous screen)
ディミトリ: はは、流石に、話が急すぎたな。お前の都合もあるだろう、悪かった。
Dimitri: Indeed, I realized that was out of the blue. You have your own worries. Please accept my apologies.
Though I do hope to deal with this sooner than later... If possible, I would like to ask you to take the lead.
Speak with me again if you change your mind.
ヒューベルト: ふむ、どうやら間に合いましたな。遅れれば、アリアンロッドは落ちていた……
Hubert: It seems we are just in time. Any later, and Arianrhod may have been lost.
Her Majesty was right to send me here.
ディミトリ: ヒューベルト……帝都からの援兵を率いてきたか。
Dimitri: Hubert. So, you have come here in command of extra troops from the Imperial capital...
I had hoped to take the fort while it was poorly defended, but now...
Well, there is nothing to be done. We must defeat him and then take Arianrhod.
ディミトリ: アリアンロッドの各所には、侵入してきた敵を撃退するための罠が仕掛けられている。
Dimitri: If I remember correctly, there should be devices somewhere that let you deactivate the traps.
However... Arianrhod has been in Imperial hands for a while now.
They may have changed how things work.
But there's no point in dawdling. Let's just make a point to disable any devices we come across.
ヒューベルト: そのような見え透いた動き、私が対策を打たないと思いますか?
ディミトリ: この隘路に兵を伏せていたか。迎え撃つより他あるまい……!
ディミトリ: 伏兵か。厄介だが……確実に撃破していこう。
Dimitri: Surprise reinforcements... We must defeat them.
ヒューベルト: くく……城外の私たちを先に破ることで、城内の兵の指揮を下げようと?
Hubert: I suppose you thought defeating the troops outside the castle first would demoralize the ones within.
Not such a bad idea, honestly. But you failed to account for me.
Hanneman: So what if they disable some old contraptions? It's no loss to us. The city's defenses are under my exclusive control.
帝国将: 無駄なことを。この都市の罠や仕掛けは、すべて私が動かしているのだ……!
Imperial General: No luck, buddy. All the city's defenses are under my control!
ディミトリ: ……やはり仕掛けが変わっていたか。罠を動かしている者が他にいるのかもしれない。
Dimitri: So, the system has been modified. The person operating the traps must be elsewhere...
vs ハンネマン
ハンネマン: エーデルガルト君のためにも、我輩が少し骨を折らせてもらうよ。
Hanneman: For the sake of Edelgard, I shall take the liberty of helping.
主人公 vs ハンネマン
ハンネマン: 結局、君が何者なのか、我輩には解明することができなかった。
Hanneman: In the end, I may not have gleaned your secret.
Yet, even if I die, someone will follow my work, and another after that. Such is the way of scholarship.
ハンネマン: 新しき……帝国のために死ぬのなら……悪くはない……か……
Hanneman: If I die for this new Empire...then I have no...regrets.
ディミトリ: ハンネマン先生……。……これで、罠はすべて解除されたな。
Dimitri: Professor Hanneman... That should take care of the traps.
ディミトリ: ……これで、罠はすべて解除されたな。
Dimitri: That should take care of the traps.
vs マヌエラ
マヌエラ: 顔見知りと殺し合うのは本当に嫌……そうも言っていられないのが、つらいわね。
Manuela: I'd hate to kill someone I know...but I have no choice.
主人公 vs マヌエラ
マヌエラ: あらあら、センセ。ほーんと、運命って残酷だわ。
Manuela: Oh dear, Professor. Fate can be so cruel.
Spilling the blood of your students with your own hands... How can you carry on after that?
ディミトリ vs マヌエラ
マヌエラ: あら、良い男に成長したじゃない。……でも、ちょっと残念ね。
Manuela: You've grown into a fine, handsome man, Dimitri. Bit of a shame you've also become a violent beast.
Men like you make the Silver Maiden cry.
ディミトリ: そうですか。残念です、マヌエラ先生。
Dimitri: Oh? I suppose it is a shame, Professor Manuela.
Perhaps I should have appeared before you holding a bouquet of flowers, rather than the weapon that will end your life.
マヌエラ: 白銀の乙女が……最後の舞台……ふふ……悪くは……ないわね……
Manuela: So, the Silver Maiden...will be my last stage? Heh... You know, that's...that's not too bad.
ディミトリ: マヌエラ先生……。……だが、これで援兵も封じた。
Dimitri: Professor Manuela... At least we have stopped the reinforcements.
ディミトリ: ……これでいい。援兵は封じられたようだな。
Dimitri: Good. We've cut them off from their reinforcements.
vs ヒューベルト
ヒューベルト: このアリアンロッドは、帝国の要地。抜かせるわけにはいきませんな。
Hubert: Arianrhod is a crucial asset to the Empire. You will not pry it from our grasp.
主人公 vs ヒューベルト
ヒューベルト: グロンダーズに続いて、ここにも貴殿が現れますか。
Hubert: First Gronder Field, and now here.
You certainly have a talent for getting in our way.
ヒューベルト: ……ここまでですか。今は退きましょう。
Hubert: That's as far as I go... I'll withdraw... for now.
ハンネマン: ヒューベルト君が撤退したようだな。我輩がこれ以上粘っても無意味か。
Hanneman: If Hubert is gone, then I see no reason to remain. Time to go.
マヌエラ: 死ぬまで戦うなんて、柄でもないし。ここで退かせてもらうわね、あたくし。
Manuela: I've never been one to fight to the death. I'll make a graceful exit while I still can.
帝国将: ヒューベルト様が、敗れただと!?くっ……撤退! 撤退だ!
Imperial General: Lord Hubert was defeated?! Hm... Retreat! Sound the retreat!
ディミトリ: 帝国軍が退いていく……。……終わった、か。
Dimitri: The Empire troops are withdrawing... This is it.
We failed to get Hubert, but at least we recaptured Arianrhod.
Let's clean up the wreckage and return to Garreg Mach.
Well done, everyone! The day is ours!
(執務室 夜)
Advisory Room | Evening
ディミトリ: ………………。……ああ、お前か。
Dimitri: Oh... It's you.
Choice 1: 疲れている? Are you tired?
Choice 2: 珍しい姿だ…… A rare sight...
ディミトリ: いや、少し仕事に追われていて……。……見なかったことにしてくれ。
Dimitri: I think all of this work is just catching up with me. Just pretend that yawn never happened.
By the way, I wanted to thank you for your help with the Arianrhod campaign the other day.
You were exceptional. Your leadership was key in taking back Arianrhod safely.
Choice 1: 皆の力あってこその勝利 We all contributed.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、皆の尽力あってこそ、だな。本当に、俺は皆に助けられてばかりだ。
Dimitri: Indeed, everyone gave their all for victory. I am always being saved by those around me, it seems.
Choice 2: まぐれだった We got lucky.
ディミトリ: ……いや、そう謙遜するな。
Dimitri: Do not be so modest.
ディミトリ: アリアンロッドの奪還に伴って、いろいろと国内の情勢も動いたようでな。
Dimitri: It seems that after taking back Arianrhod, many things are changing within the Kingdom.
Specifically, the lesser lords of the land surrounding Arianrhod have pledged vassalage to the Kingdom.
The knights they possess may now be added to the Kingdom's army.
And if that happens, I would like to leave them in your capable hands.
Also... Ah, my apologies. Here I am, simply throwing one report after another at you.
Byleth: ……働き過ぎでは? Aren't you overdoing it?
ディミトリ: まあ……確かに、近頃は部屋に籠もって公務や雑務に追われることが増えたな。
Dimitri: Perhaps. It is certainly true that I have been stuck in my quarters lately, dealing with more official business and other such tasks than ever before.
But that is something I have been putting off for far too long.
Though it is exhausting, filling in the blanks of five years and several months must be done.
I am going to tackle them all, one at a time. That is one small part of my atonement.
So, Professor... I have been doing all of the talking, but I assume you came here for a reason.
Choice 1: みんなで祝勝会でも、と I thought we could all celebrate our victory.
ディミトリ: ……祝勝会、か。
Dimitri: A victory celebration, you say?
Choice 2: 引き籠もりを祝勝会に連れ出しに I intend to steal you away to the victory celebration.
ディミトリ: いや……俺は別に、引き籠もっているわけでは……しかし……祝勝会、か。
Dimitri: Steal me away? That seems rather unnecessary...
ディミトリ: 俺は別に、引き籠もっているわけでは……ベルナデッタでもあるまいし……。しかし……祝勝会、か。
ディミトリ: いつかを思い出すな。あの時は、俺がお前を食堂に引っ張っていったっけ。
Dimitri: You know, this reminds me of that time I dragged you to the dining hall. Do you recall?
Choice 1: 覚えている I do.
ディミトリ: 確かあれは、学級対抗戦の後だったな。……あの頃が、懐かしい。
Dimitri: If memory serves, that was after the mock battle between the houses... It was a wonderful time.
Choice 2: いつの話? When was that?
ディミトリ: 学級対抗戦の後だ。もう5年も前の話だし、忘れているのも無理はないか。
ディミトリ: ちょうど仕事も一段落したところだったし、折角誘ってもらったんだ。
Dimitri: We had just finished our mission, and we were invited to join in the celebration...
You know, every once in a while, I do long to be part of the group as well.
But do you think that it is really acceptable? For someone like me to quietly join in the merriment?
Choice 1: みんな待っている Everyone's waiting for you.
Choice 2: 誰も気にしていない You're thinking about it too much.
ディミトリ: ……そうか。俺はここにいても……いい、のか。
Dimitri: You really think so? Well, if you insist...
Thank you, Professor. Now then, let's go. Together.